Saturday, November 8, 2008


So, for those of you who are drill boughs... or those of you who have become drill team boughs because of me will know the word squad. Because of injury, not making grades, sickness, and unexpected problems that come up with girls on Drill, Mrs. A has to choose a squad for at least Military and Dance. Each squad contains 12 girls, so that there are substitutes if something comes up. So, in short, you have to work hard for your initial spot in the dance to start out, otherwise you don't perform or compete in it when the time comes. This week, the pressure was on, it was squad week. We had to do fuettes (these crazy turns that I'm finally almost able to do), headstands with slaps (again, a lot of Drill jargon, but I think a few of you will get it :), and we had to show off our splits. Yesterday, after school, squad was posted in the locker room, and this year I was picked for BOTH!! The real pressure is on now in the next couple of weeks before our first competition. (Now, I have to get an arial....cartwheel with zero hands! Ah!)


Tahiti Chick said...

BAH! How exciting!!!! I'm absolutely STOKED FOR YOU!!! :D

Britanee Walker said...


Ashlee said...

Caongratulations! You'll be just fine and good luck!

The Dobrons said...

Hey congratulations! I have got the drive for this! Best of luck!

Parkside View said...

I must say, I am not entirely surprized to hear that news. You are a slamin' dancer!

Michelle said...

Good job Megan - you're amazing!!!

Shannon and Andrew said...

Wow. Congratulations. You deserve it. You always work so hard for everything.