Sunday, May 18, 2008

Last Chance:)

Last night, we went to the Last Chance dance and had an absolute blast! We started the evening by making pizzas at my house and eating them outside. We then headed to the Arts Park for the dance. While in line for pictures, Rachel borrowed the car keys to go get something (I assumed her wallet, but no). We got our pictures taken, which by the way, were posed really cool:) We had tons of fun showing off our moves at the dance, and then were ready to head out. As we all walked to the car... it was GONE! Let's just say, I was slightly frightened and confused (to say the least). A. Everybody else agreed that I had parked in the place, where now sat an empty parking space, and B. Who in their right mind would steal a blue minivan when we were parked right next to a white mustang. About 5 minutes later Rachel fessed up and admitted that she moved the car as a joke when she went back to the car. Let's just say I've found some other jokes way funnier than that. We headed to Fat Cats and went bowling. It was kind of hilarious to see everybody's unique bowling styles... yeah, we'll just leave it at that. To finish off the night, we headed over to Hogi Yogi for dessert, where we kind of got into an ice fight. (:You kind of had to be there to comprehend:) It was so fun! Here are some pictures of our group! Thanks for comin' with me Chad! It was so much fun:) Enjoy!

At one point, I had a funny face too, but I ended up laughing too hard to keep a straight face:)

Chad and Me with our orange hats! haha

Let's just say this is basically how it was all night. :)

Lauren and Ben...aww!

Keilani and Brian being...thoughtful?

Keilani and Brian:)

Rachel and Mike attempting to fight with their Viking hats.

Mike and Rachel


Ashlee said...

It looks like you had so much fun!

Shannon and Andrew said...

Sweet//I love the pictures with you guys and the ORANGE hat. You look great. I am glad you had so much fun. I sure loved going to the dances when I was in high school.